Oh hey there Lonely Hearts, let us introduce you to us…

We are Grace & Andrew of Bottlebrush Films, but you can just call us Grandrew. We have numerous professional headshots but we prefer to share with you this one of us having a cheeky fireball in our van aka The Bottlebus

So who the hell are we?

We’re two Melbourne creatives who have been kickin’ it in the wedding industry since 2013. We’ve won numerous awards over the years, brag brag brag (who cares), and have travelled extensively, brag brag brag (that part is actually pretty great though) filming weddings not only in every state of Australia, but also abroad in * more brag alert * Spain, France, Norway, Hawaii, South Africa, New York, Canada, Malta, New Zealand, Thailand and Fiji. Basically, we is legit - we swear it.

Our favourite part of this ‘job’ genuinely is meeting new people. If you come to this workshop knowing no one fear not - you’ll know us, and we’ll not let you have one lonely minute while we’re around. So, how good - you already know two people at film camp

Why the Filmmaking Camp?

We realised there was a hole in the wedding filmmaking market for a complete zero bullshit, zero ego workshop - so Lonely Hearts Film Camp was born. Our one regret in business is not having had a mentor when we started out, so educating and supporting new and emerging filmmakers has fast become our passion, along with inspiring and bringing together those who’ve been in the industry for many a year

What’s the aim?

We simply want to create an awesome community! When you work for yourself you realise how damn valuable community is. Having others who understand all the crazy shit you’re going through really helps make that crazy shit a little more sane. That’s all pretty hard to tackle in one day though, so we wanted numerous nights and a pisser of a time with likeminded legends. So we decided to bring together the best of the best in the industry to share not only their years of experience, but to crack a few bevvies with you around the campfire and really hash things out.

Yes we want keynote talks and plenty of hands on workshopping, but most of all we want to give you Lonely Hearts the chance to have candid one-on-one chats with those in the industry you respect. We want you to leave Camp with real knowledge that you can actually apply to your own business, and we’re going to do that by creating an informal shindig where we can chill out and learn together with no strings attached. Let’s do this.

Got a question for us? We’re really real people so just shoot us a message HERE and let’s chat!